What Is Pyramart?

Pyramart is powerful data mart software, specifically developed to meet the needs of technical Marketing, Product, and Sales personnel. We've automated the hard parts of Data Warehousing so you can focus on what's important: using your data on your own timeline!

Join us for a quick 2 minute journey in to the life of Joe, a Marketing Data Professional, as he tries to get his data loaded in his old-school data mart / warehouse. Frustration and missed opportunities abound. Then, see how much easier his life would have been if he had Pyramart!

Load your data. Build your aggregations. Create the 360 degree view of your customers and their Households with ease. Yes, ease. Your awesome data mart serves as the powerful data foundation from which you build your Campaigns or Reports in whatever tool you choose. You know your data. So get to it! You can build it yourself with Pyramart.

And rest assured, we haven't forgotten I.T. in all of this. Pyramart contains the data quality and security infrastructure required by I.T. so they can rest easy at night as well.

We Love Showing Off our software

How about contacting us today to schedule a demo of Pyramart? Once you see it, we're sure you'll love it as much as we do!
