imagine a pyramid and you're basically there

"So how does Pyramart work?" You ask? Simple, really. All you need to do is enter information for data sources in our easy to use Web-based front-end: what the files are named, the days they're expected, what the fields are, and so on. As part of the field configuration process, you simply click the fields you want to aggregate up to your top levels, and denote which keys you want to use.

Pyramart then performs all your aggregations for you, giving you peace of mind that the data you use to target your customers is based on the most recent data you have, thereby improving your targeting relevance and your campaign results!

The image below descibes the aggregation process in more detail. Note that Pyramart can accommodate an unlimited number of data sources, and each data source can have its own data layout (transactional, account-level, running total, etc). Once the load processes are done, your data lives in your own Data Mart, ready for use by ANY Reporting or Marketing Automation package.

Why not contact us to see this process in action?
